Marijuana Addiction Treatment in Memphis

Treatment for Marijuana Abuse & Addiction

Marijuana is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States. This is especially true as more and more U.S. states are legalizing marijuana. While marijuana may seem less harmful than other drugs, such as cocaine or heroin, it is still possible to develop a marijuana addiction. This can cause numerous problems in a person’s life, from difficulty at work or school to problems in one’s relationships.

Some people who develop a marijuana addiction will require professional treatment. At Grace Land Recovery, we offer personalized programs for marijuana addiction treatment in Memphis and the nearby areas. We understand the unique ways in which marijuana abuse and addiction affect individuals and their loved ones, and we are here to help.

If you or someone you love is struggling with marijuana addiction, call Grace Land Recovery at (901) 499-3145 or contact us online to learn how we can help.

We Believe in Treating the Individual, Not Just the Addiction

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Hear From Past Client's

“I came here a broken man and was greeted with open arms. If you are struggling with addiction the folks down at Grace Land got you covered. Y'all will always hold a special place in my heart.”

- Jon A.

“Great staff!!! They definitely go above and beyond here! Thanks for helping me save my life!! Y’all are awesome!”

- Amber N.

“Grace Land Recovery goes above and beyond in providing therapeutic methods to attain and maintain sobriety. The staff is personally invested in helping their clients turn their lives around.”

- Jack R.

“What an amazing program and caring staff Grace Land Recovery has! I highly recommend this program to those seeking help in Memphis. Phil is the man!”

- Troy R.

“Amazing staff. Thank you for everything.”

- Ashley M.

What Is Marijuana?

Marijuana is a substance that’s derived from the cannabis plant. The ingredient in marijuana that causes individuals to get high is THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. Cannabis plants that contain more than 0.3% of THC in them are considered marijuana.

Marijuana Legalization

It’s easier now than ever to get marijuana as more and more states have begun to legalize it. Marijuana is currently legal for medicinal purposes in 34 U.S. states (as of 2021), and 19 U.S. states, plus the District of Columbia and Guam, have gone so far as to make marijuana legal for recreational purposes as well. However, marijuana remains illegal at the federal level.

Due to the growing legalization of marijuana, more people are getting their hands on this substance. This is evident in that studies show more than 45% of adults in the U.S. have smoked weed before. On top of that, other reputable studies state that 1 and 8 adults are avid marijuana users. Alarmingly, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that marijuana-related medical emergencies have also increased in recent years. However, the organization notes that it is unknown whether these emergencies were related to the quantity of marijuana consumed, the potency of the marijuana, or other factors.

How Does Marijuana Affect the Brain & Body?

When individuals use marijuana, cannabinoid receptors in the brain are activated by a neurotransmitter called anandamide. Then, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana known as THC blocks and imitates the actions of the activated neurotransmitters. This primarily affects the brain’s reward center, or the area responsible for regulating pleasure and reward. Over time, the brain loses its ability to self-regulate, meaning the individual is likely to become dependent on marijuana to complete these functions.

Marijuana also affects areas of the brain responsible for thinking, learning, and performing complex tasks, as well as areas that regulate coordination, balance, posture, and reactions. As a result, someone who is high on marijuana will experience poor cognitive ability, difficulty learning or completing tasks, and issues with bodily movement, stability, and reaction time. For this reason, it is very unsafe for anyone to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana.

Over time, chronic marijuana use causes chemical changes in the brain. Soon, the brain becomes dependent on marijuana to function and release certain chemicals, including “feel-good” chemicals like dopamine. Once a person’s brain makes chemical changes and becomes dependent on marijuana to perform certain actions, that person has a marijuana addiction.

Is Marijuana Addicting

Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases.

Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction

Every person with a substance addiction is also dependent on that substance, but not everyone who is dependent on a drug is addicted. Therefore, it’s important to distinguish between marijuana withdrawal or dependency symptoms and the symptoms of marijuana addiction.

Common symptoms of marijuana addiction include:

  • Hunger
  • Anxiety
  • Dry mouth
  • Memory loss
  • Trouble learning
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Slow reaction time
  • Loss of self-control
  • Distorted perception
  • Impaired coordination
  • Inability to think straight
  • Trouble problem solving
  • Wet, mucus-filled cough
  • Bloodshot and/or blurry eyes

Marijuana Addiction Statistics

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), marijuana is the third most commonly used addictive substance in the U.S., following alcohol and tobacco—and its use is on the rise. A survey found that over 11.8 million young adults admitted to using marijuana in 2017, with men being more likely to report using marijuana than women.

Additionally, in 2019, there was a considerable increase in daily marijuana use by adolescents, with nearly 12% of surveyed eighth graders stating that they had used marijuana the previous year and 6.6% admitting to using marijuana the previous month. These rates increased in older age groups, with nearly 30% of tenth graders surveyed reporting marijuana use in the previous year and 18.4% reporting marijuana use in the previous month, as well as almost 38% of twelfth graders admitting to using marijuana in the previous year and 22.3% reporting marijuana use in the previous month.

Furthermore, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 22.2 million people use marijuana every month, with about 1 in 10 marijuana users eventually becoming addicted. The CDC also notes that long-term marijuana use has been associated with a heightened risk of psychosis and schizophrenia.

Long-Term Effects of Marijuana

  • Altered brain development
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Depression/ anxiety

How People Consume Marijuana

People can consume marijuana in different ways. Most people consume marijuana by smoking it with a pipe or bong. Other ways to smoke marijuana include hand-rolled cigarettes and cigar wraps. When individuals just smoke the oil from the marijuana plant, it’s called dabbing.

People who want to consume marijuana without smoking it can do so by eating marijuana-infused foods, or edibles. For example, many people like to bake marijuana into treats like brownies. Others may simply choose to consume marijuana through edible gummies or by infusing or brewing it into drinks like tea. The marijuana-infused food, drink, and treat options are endless.

Regardless of how a person chooses to consume marijuana, he or she should make sure that their use of the substance isn’t so extensive that it leads to marijuana dependence or addiction. Once addiction has taken hold, the individual will almost certainly need professional marijuana addiction treatment to break the cycle of abuse.

Can You Experience Withdrawal from Marijuana?

Although many people do not realize it, it is possible to experience marijuana withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms usually occur only when a person has developed a dependency on or addiction to marijuana.

Common marijuana withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Excessive sweating

To overcome marijuana addiction, it’s best if individuals attend marijuana detox followed by marijuana rehab. Located near Memphis, our marijuana addiction treatment center offers comprehensive addiction treatment services, including a variety of therapies designed to help individuals overcome addiction and go on to lead happy, healthy, and meaningful lives.

What Is Marijuana Detox?

Because some individuals may experience marijuana withdrawal when minimizing or discontinuing their use of the substance, the detoxification process can be uncomfortable. Often, the unpleasant experience of withdrawal can drive people to continue using marijuana, even if they initially wanted to cut back or stop.

In some cases, it may be appropriate for a person to undergo medical detox from marijuana. When people experience severe withdrawal symptoms in a medical detox facility, the facility’s physicians and staff can provide support and counsel. Unfortunately, there are no prescription medications for marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, individuals who are detoxing from marijuana at professional detox facilities must manage their own withdrawal symptoms until the substance has fully left their systems.

How Is Marijuana Addiction Treated?

Like most drug addiction treatment programs, marijuana rehab can be either inpatient or outpatient, meaning the individual can choose to live fulltime at the facility (inpatient) or attend multiple treatments several times a week and return home at the end of the day (outpatient). The right option will depend on the various unique factors of your situation, such as the severity of the addiction.

Inpatient Marijuana Rehab

Inpatient marijuana rehab is for individuals with severe marijuana addictions. As a result, inpatient marijuana rehab programs require patients to live in rehab facilities while in treatment so that they can receive 24/7 care and monitoring.

Standard inpatient marijuana rehab programs are very structured. Individuals with severe marijuana addictions who need to attend inpatient marijuana rehab but don’t want to live in such a structured manner can attend residential marijuana rehab.

Residential Marijuana Rehab

Residential marijuana rehab is an inpatient rehab program that’s slightly less structured than standard inpatient rehab. As a result, residential marijuana rehab patients will get more free time to themselves than they would in standard inpatient rehab.

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs) for Marijuana Addiction

There are different types of outpatient marijuana rehab programs, the most intensive of which is partial hospitalization. Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) are suitable for individuals with moderate to severe addictions. PHPs require rehab patients to attend treatments five to eight hours a day, five to seven days a week.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs) for Marijuana Addiction

The second most intense level of outpatient marijuana rehab is an intensive outpatient program (IOP). IOP treatment programs require rehab patients to receive care a few hours a day, a few days a week. IOP marijuana rehab is best for people with moderate marijuana addictions.

Outpatient Program Rehab

The least intense version of marijuana rehab is standard outpatient rehab. Standard outpatient marijuana rehab programs are designed for people with mild marijuana addictions. As a result, standard outpatient marijuana rehab programs only require individuals to attend rehab a couple of hours a day, a couple of days a week.

Recovery Is Possible

Take Back Your Life Today

Hear From Past Client's

“I came here a broken man and was greeted with open arms. If you are struggling with addiction the folks down at Grace Land got you covered. Y'all will always hold a special place in my heart.”

- Jon A.

“Great staff!!! They definitely go above and beyond here! Thanks for helping me save my life!! Y’all are awesome!”

- Amber N.

“Grace Land Recovery goes above and beyond in providing therapeutic methods to attain and maintain sobriety. The staff is personally invested in helping their clients turn their lives around.”

- Jack R.

“What an amazing program and caring staff Grace Land Recovery has! I highly recommend this program to those seeking help in Memphis. Phil is the man!”

- Troy R.

“Amazing staff. Thank you for everything.”

- Ashley M.

How Grace Land Recovery Can Help You Heal

Grace Land Recovery is a dual-diagnosis treatment center located in the Memphis, Tennessee area. As a dual-diagnosis treatment center, we specialize in treating substance addiction and its co-occurring mental and behavioral disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

Our team knows that overcoming marijuana addiction is just as difficult as overcoming an addiction to any other substance. That’s why we provide high-quality addiction treatment programs for marijuana use disorder, including a variety of outpatient programs and various therapies. Our addiction treatments include everything from individual therapy to group therapy, family therapy to anger management therapy, and more.

To learn more about Grace Land Recovery, our Memphis marijuana addiction treatment program, or any of our other specialized substance addiction treatment programs, contact us today! Our phone lines are open 24/7, and we are happy to set up an in-person appointment if you prefer. We are in-network with most private insurance providers.

Contact us online or call us at (901) 499-3145 today to learn more.

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Our mission is to help individuals achieve sobriety by getting to the root of their addiction issues. We also aim to treat the minds, bodies, and souls of our patients.

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